“The care has been exceptional!”

It takes a village to raise a child and a child’s galaxy is my village. From the start of my journey with a child’s galaxy which was over 5 years ago when they were able to advocate for my oldest daughter so that she could get the interventions that she needed in the manatee county school system to them now caring for my 2 youngest, the care has been exceptional! After I left my remote job in summer of 2022 and determined that my 2 youngest needed to be in daycare it was a no brainer where I wanted them to go but unfortunately ACG did not have any openings :/ (because they are that highly sought after) and I had to settle for another local center and settle I did! Finally this past November the stars aligned for a spot to be open for my BOTH of my children at ACG and I jumped at the opportunity. Ever since then I’ve been truly happy with their care. The staff here have a low turnover rate and are very caring and friendly with the parents and children alike. The owner and director are joys to work with and I feel like I can go to them for any concerns be I had any. They also run a tight ship and there is lots of structure with learning and enrichment activities BUT they also have lots of fun activities all the time and they have an awesome playground. I recommend ACG to anyone looking for the best care for their littles!

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